OUR Products

Windows Products

School/College Management System Software

SMSS is a complete solution for managing a school/college online, in other words an enhanced tool that assists in organizing the day-to-day activities of a school/college. This School/college Management software has been engineered considering the vital needs of all the stakeholders in the school /college system, namely, principal, administrator, teachers, students, parents, security and others.

SSS Payroll Software

SSS Payroll software automates all you payroll processes. Configure your payroll rules, and leave the rest to Attend HRM, it saves you lots of time spend fixing your payroll issues. Close integration among payroll, attendance, and leave management allows you to define your payroll formulae with ease. You can pay your employee for every minute of overtime he does. Also, you can cut pay for every minute he is late.

SSS Invoice Maker

SSS Invoice Maker software to manage and track your billing on Windows. Create invoices, quotes and orders quickly,Automate recurring invoices and templates,Keeps all your invoices in one place for easy viewing and marking as paid when the money comes in.. Very fast start up. Just enter your company details, add a client and your ready to start invoice printing

SSS Excise Invoice Maker

SSS Excise Invoice Maker software calculates excise duty for both sales and purchase made by company and several reports are generated like monthly excise report, PLA reports etc. It collects information from invoice and performs certain calculation depending upon the excise duty percentage and cess entered. It also provides searching option for month wise, manufacturer wise, date wise reports and also provides abstract of the various details for quick glance.
Window Products

SSS Stickers

SSS Stickers is a software solution to print Labels, Barcodes, Addresses on to sheets of labels.It comes with many design templates and supports all the standard papers. Label, Barcode, Address, Product Tag, MRP Tag, etc… can be printed easily using single software. Maintains database for Contacts with category so you can print address of only Customer, Supplier, Friends, Colleagues, etc…